The Center for Urban Teaching, a Milwaukee based Christian non-profit, is looking to Identify particpants both on and off campus to Prepare to be High Performing Teachers in inner city schools in the Cities of Milwaukee and Racine.
– – – (All Majors and Experience Levels Needed) – – –
Our inner city schools are in crisis, and the only people that can give our kids the education they deserve are the people serving on the front lines…the teachers. Time and time again, research confirms that teacher quality is the number one indicator of student achievement. This is exactly why the Center for Urban Teaching, Inc. exists. We believe that identifying, preparing, and supporting teachers with the essential skills and dispositions is the key to dramatic change. This is where you come in.
Make the commitment, stand with us, and be one of the Christ-centered, relational, courageous, dedicated, joyful, and intentional high-performing teachers to impact a CfUT partner school.
Qualifying candidates also possess the following qualities:
- Christ-Centered
- Courageous
- Dedicated to High Performance
- Respectful
- Perseverant
- Coachable
C f U T ’ S C O M M I T M E N T TO YOU :
CfUT will…
- Connect you with job openings at partner schools in one of CfUT’s target regions that fit your unique talents and passion.
- Advise you through the interview and job selection process.
- Provide you with two years of one-on-one coaching designed to meet your individual needs, improve your practice, and provide encouragement.
- Facilitate ongoing professional development opportunities and an annual conference offering targeted skills training and character development for your continual growth and networking with colleagues.
- Offer opportunities to explore leadership through presentation and advising opportunities, teacher leader workshops, summer school principalship, and a Master’s program in Leadership and Innovation.
- Host alumni networking and social events.
- Pray continuously for your work in the ministry.
I will…
- Successfully complete CfUT Summer School.
- Complete required preservice trainings, growth work, and immersion tours as outlined by my CfUT Talent Recruiter and Developer.
- Attend identified networking opportunities to connect with job openings at schools in one of CfUT’s target regions that fit my unique talents and passions.
- Strive to teach or lead in a CfUT partner school in one of CfUT’s target regions.
- Implement strategies and next steps outlined by my CfUT coach to improve my teaching during my first two years in the field to ensure that my students reach their highest potential.
- Strive to attend the Urban Teaching and Leadership Conference and CfUT Alumni Socials during my first years of service.
- Support CfUT’s Mission by encouraging and praying for my peers, opening my classroom to future urban teachers completing clinical work, student teaching, or immersion tours, and connecting CfUT to potential teacher candidates and university contacts.
Share your interest in getting involved by submitting your resume here!
For more questions, or concerns, please email us at, visit our website, or give us a call at (414) 433-9180.