The Career Apprentice Ambassador Program is a spring offering to encourage Sophomores and First Year students to join their more experienced counterparts, the Career Ambassadors, and support the work at the Career Center. Career Ambassador Apprentices will work directly with Career Ambassadors and shadow their experiences. Each Apprentice will be paired with a mentor (Career Ambassador) who will teach and model liberal arts career practices and promotional efforts. The apprentices will support the ambassador with their duties: Social Media Take Overs, Office Hours, Programming, and Events. Apprentices will be considered for the Ambassador program in the fall.
Apprentices will also support be a vital extension of CCD reach by connecting to other students who normally do not connect with the CCD.
You can apply for the Career Ambassador Apprentice program at JobX; go to the “On-Campus Jobs” tab at the top of the toolbar and search. Join us!
We are delighted to welcome Benmet as our newest Career Ambassador Apprentice! Welcome, Benmet!